Krista Harlan

Necessary Release

What to expect...

Dear Diary,
This expectation stuff is really a bitch. I know the dangers of designing an outcome as much as I know the risk of desiring one. Anything manipulated to be other than what it is loses the value of truth. I'm learning the difference between objective appreciation and subjective desire. NOT the same at all. One is energizing . . .

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July 25, 2014

Circular Journey

A Path to Nowhere

Dear Diary,
I find myself repeating the same lessons over and over again. Crying over the same imagined slights and loathing myself for making the same mistakes - or even for being tempted to make them. And always, I find myself back at the same root. Humility...or lack thereof. Rushing through life, expecting that I "should" . . .

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July 24, 2014


Not submission

Dear Diary,
Something magical happens when theoretical ideas begin to crystallize in your soul and understanding becomes knowing and knowing becomes being. There is a freedom when need and fear begin to disappear. It all starts with exercising the will and modifying behavior to match your authentic (objective) self. The feelings will come . . .

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July 14, 2014


Why I write

Dear Diary,
I love words and I write what needs to be written. My posts are akin to journal entries chronicling my personal journey through life; and sometimes I suspect it is information an unknown reader might need. We can share in a community through space and time with this format. Though print will never compare to a conversation, it . . .

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July 03, 2014



Dear Diary,
What does it mean to live honestly? What is humility? How does one slow down and live in the moment? These are my constant questions and the struggle I face. It sounds simple. Be honest. Be humble. Be in the moment. So why is it so hard? I'll tell you why. Honesty means baring my soul to another human being. Fortunately I . . .

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June 26, 2014

Who is Indigo's Child?

Not a reference to Indigo Children!

It has been brought to my attention that the name Indigo's Child may be confusing to some readers. The first post of my blog did not address this specifically. Indigo's Child is a dragon, an Indigo Dragon. I do not know her name, and likely couldn't pronounce it if I did. So, Indigo's Child is what I call her in reference to . . .

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June 20, 2014


...And the willful life

Dear Diary,
The cycle repeats; it's measurable, substantial,and almost predictable...What cycle? The one that drives the emotional roller-coaster. The one that says life is supposed to be hard or you're not doing it right. The one that allows that inner voice to say, "You're not good enough." And the one that allows . . .

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June 19, 2014


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