Krista Harlan

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  • Crystal Healing (1hr minimum) $65
    • Physical and mental healing aid
  • Crystal Rites (20-30 min) - choose one $45
    • Emotional Wound Repair (older than 2 years ago)
    • Emotional Wound Repair (within the last 2 years)
    • Manifesting Good Fortune (in . . .

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Posted in: services

June 05, 2024

Crystals and How To Use Them

One Hour Class

Join me for an introduction to the use of crystals!


This class is designed for those who have an interest in working with crystals.  Course content includes properties of common crystals, selection criteria, use and care, as well as developing your relationship with the crystals.  For details of the next available . . .

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Posted in: services

June 01, 2024


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